“Loki” is an American drama superhero genre web series created by Michael Waldron and adapted from the Marvel Comics character of the same name. The series is the third TV series of the Marvel Cinematic Universe developed and produced by Marvel Studios. It is in the same overhead world and common world as the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.
In “Avengers 4”, the Avengers travel back to the 2012 New York War in order to collect all the Infinity Stones to save the people who died after Thanos snapped his fingers. Loki was able to escape due to Iron Man’s inadvertent dropping of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube into the hands of Loki, but Loki’s behavior disrupted the single “sacred timeline”, and the Time Variation Administration TVA dispatched to arrest Loki. Loki, who came to TVA, and Mobius agent jointly pursue the time criminal (variant) another Loki (Silvi, female Loki), Loki learns that TVA is a scam during his relationship with female Loki Later, the two embarked on the road of exploring the ultimate truth together.
Do you like Loki? Do you want to buy a set of Loki costume? I guess you think, that’s pretty cool. If you want to buy a Loki costume, you can come to our website, our website provides all kinds of Loki costumes, there must be something you like.
Welcome to CCosplay.com. Champion of Cosplay specializes in custom cosplay costumes production, and has been in this field for more than 8 years, we provide movies and anime, game cosplay clothing, etc. CCosplay garments are all handmade for everyday use, which is the main difference between our garments and other fancy dress and cheap mass products.
Shopping with Ccosplay means you get custom clothing directly from the manufacturer, no agents, no middleman between the tailor and the buyer. Your special request will be passed directly to the tailor who will make the garment for you. Based in China, we have first-class sewing equipment, unique fabrics, laces and trims from more than 200 sources, and have won the respect of all customers from Japan, Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and more. We have what you’re looking for and more!
Category: Movie Costumes
Characters: Sylvie Lushton
Material: Cotton, Spandex
Full Set Including: Cloak, Vest, Coat, Pants, Gloves, Girdle
Extra Options: Shoes (Extra Options), Helmet (Extra Options)
Category: Movie Costumes
Characters: Laufeyson
Material: Cotton, Spandex
Full Set Including: Cloak, Tops, Vest, Pants, Belt, Mould
Extra Options: Helmet (Extra Options), Boots (Extra Options)
Category: Movie Costumes
Characters: Loki
Material: PU Leather, Composite Leather, Thick Leather, Satin
Full Set Including: Vest, Jacket, Pants, Cloak, Cuffs, Gloves,
Extra Options:Boots
Category: Movie Costumes
Characters: Loki
Material: Washed Leather, Lychee Leather, Suede
Full Set Including: Long Sleeves, Vest (Including Props), Pants, Shoulder Pads, Wristbands, Hand Guards, Wrist Straps
Extra Options: Shoes, Headwear(MPN:4664)
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